Welcome to Kirsty Roux Biokineticist

Hi, I am Kirsty, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as you navigate our website.

Our mission at the practice is to share our passion for movement with you and to work together to reach your goals, be it rehabilitation, optimising sporting performance, injury prevention or general wellness.

Investing in your wellness is the greatest investment of all!

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We look forward to this journey together and are forever of the opinion that something wonderful is about to happen!


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Hi Friends!

27 May 2023
100km Trail Run. 4 844 m of elevation gain....
The George Mountain Ultra Trail “MUT” by UTMB

This epic 100km Trail run with 4855m of elevation gain is none other than The George Mountain Ultra Trail 'MUT' by UTMB .... https://georgemut.run/

This event promises to be breathtaking in every sense, traversing through the spectacular Outeniqua Mountains.

Being my first 100km run, I wanted to do something a little different, I wanted to do something meaningful.

Hospice is an incredible NPO with angels providing care to those in need.

It's been a tough year all round, not least for the NPO sector. Every penny is turned over six times in their quest to provide excellent home-based palliative care to their patients and their families.

Hospice came to the rescue, providing love, support and expert care to both my grans in their fights against Cancer and we are grateful for their selfless service to our family. I know so many of you have been touched by Hospice's angels assisting your loved ones in their time of need too.

I would love to run this race in honour of these incredible people who dedicate their lives to service and serving.

Any donations for Hospice East Rand from individuals, families or corporates, large or small, would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to pledge an amount per kilometre that I run or rather a specific preconceived amount is up to you. You are welcome to make your donation ahead of the run or if you prefer, on completion of the race.

Please make deposits directly into Hospice East Rand's bank account, details provided below, with your reference being:  “Love2Serve” and your name (optional).

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Hospice East Rand Banking Details:
Account number: 710465673
Branch number: 63200500

All donations will be greatly appreciated...

Discover Biokinetics

Biokinetics = Life through Movement

A Biokineticist is a professional Health care provider who is clinically trained as an exercise rehabilitation specialist. Embark on a journey with us through final phase rehabilitation to achieve a greater quality of life, youthful exuberance and physical wellbeing.

Should you see a Biokineticist?


Pre- and post surgery injury prevention. Rehabilitation of recurrent or chronic injuries.

and Wellness

Rehabilitation focusing on improvement of function and quality of life.


Management of non-communicable diseases and lifestyle risks such as obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.


Discovery Vitality Fitness Assessments - earn up to 7500 points in 45 minutes.

What to expect

Initial Consultation

(Max 60 minutes)

You will be required to complete a patient file and patient indemnity.

The evaluation will consist of some or all of the following:

  • Medical history inclusive of current conditions and injuries
  • A detailed biomechanical assessment
  • Postural analysis
  • Evaluation of your muscular strength, flexibility, balance, stability, coordination, function, gait, blood pressure and heart rate.

Rehabilitation Sessions

(30 - 60 minutes)

You and your biokineticist will schedule one on one sessions to achieve your pre-established goals. The prescribed scientifically based program will focus on addressing abnormalities discovered in the evaluation, if present. We do this through utilizing numerous modalities such as cardiovascular equipment, functional equipment, strength training equipment and Biofeedback devices. Reassessment is useful in order to measure your response to exercise intervention.

Contact us for more information, or to book your consultation

Contact us

082 888 5933

172 O'Reilly Merry Street


Visit us

Monday - Friday: 07:00 -18:00

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

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