Biokineticists are highly skilled in exercise rehabilitation, but how do we determine what should be included in a patient’s exercise prescription?

We measure it!

Biokineticists are also trained in objective measurement and evaluation of certain parameters.
By measuring certain parameters, we can better identify what is causing the chief complaint of patients walking through our door. It is essential to have baseline data to determine how an event (like an injury or a surgery) influences your body and how effective exercise rehabilitation is in improving your function!
One of our newest measurement tools is the PAB (Pressure air biofeedback). This device measures isometric muscle strength for a variety of joint movements which allows us to compare values such as:
– pre-operative vs post-operative muscle strength
– left vs right limb muscle strength
– antagonist vs agonist muscle strength
It also allows us to continually evaluate your progress and test at certain checkpoints during the rehabilitation process (week 1 vs. week 6 etc).
Biokinetics is not a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to injury rehabilitation or prevention. Every patient is different – the PAB allows us to identify those differences and treat you accordingly. 

Cherise Serfontein