Just Don’t Fall

Various recent articles have brought attention to the significant loss of ability and function that the isolation of lockdown has had on all population groups, but specifically the elderly. 👵🏻👨🏽‍🦳
It’s been a lonely time for this population and loneliness can and often does result in depression, avoidance, disruption of daily activities, and reduction in quality of life.
Many points can be highlighted here but what we want to focus on is the importance of exercise as an intervention to curb the awful effects this pandemic has had on so many! 😞
In inactive elderly people, bone density levels decline dangerously, making falling a life threatening risk. 🦴🦴
Inactivity results in disuse and therefore muscle atrophy of the muscles that help to support our bony structure. It results in impaired spatial, bodily and positional awareness.
The disuse and accompanied atrophy of supportive muscles together with poor proprioception is a recipe for disaster as balance becomes increasingly compromised and falls become imminent 🤕
Through individualized biokinetic assessment and scientifically based exercise prescription, the strength of the supporting muscles can be restored, proprioception and balance improved and injury potential significantly reduced 👏🏻
If you or your loved one has become inactive during lockdown and is in need of potentially life saving exercise intervention, please schedule an appointment at your convenience with your nearest Biokineticist